*Cover image: EYOA-Ensemble 2022
Rokkokotheater Schwetzingen

EYOA 2025: 11 to 20 April 2025

We are looking for you!

You are between 14 and 18 years old, European and musically very talented? You are brave and want to enchant us with your favorite instrument? Then show us what you can do! From now on you can apply for our popular European Youth Orchestra and participate in our Academy. (11 to 20 April 2025 in Mannheim). Send us your application video and some information about yourself. Here you can find out what is required for your audition and how and until when you can apply.
Our European Youth Orchestra Academy 2025 is under the patronage of the European Parliament

All candidates must have submitted their application by 15 December 2024 inclusive. Please only use the application form

All applicants for the academy 2025 must be aged between 14 and 18 inclusive on December 2025. Applicants must have the nationality of a European Union member state. In addition, they can also have the nationality of associated countries, as well as United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Israel. The decision of the audition panel members in the choice of players is final.

As part of its mission the academy is an initiative committed to both the musical and the cultural development of its members, as well as to developing their employment prospects. All applicants will therefore be asked, as part of the application process, to explain why they are interested in joining the academy and what they hope to gain from the experience if they become a member.

11.04.2025 – 20.04.2025 in Mannheim, Germany
Arrival: 11.04.2025
Departure: 20.04.2025

The following musical works are planned:

  • Ludwig van Beethoven – European Anthem
  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No.5 in C-minor op.67 (Symphony of Destiny)
  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Concerto No. 3 in C-minor op.37, Piano Soloist Fabian Müller
  • Christian Cannabich – Les Fêtes du Serailles (Ballet suite with soloists from the Mannheim National Theatre Ballet)

Piano Soloist: Fabian Müller
Ballet Soloists from the Mannheim National Theatre

Jan-Paul Reinke

Börsensaal of the Mannheim School of Music
OPAL – Opera at Luisenpark Mannheim

Successful artistic director and conductor of the EYOA since 2020
Jan-Paul Reinke was conductor of the chamber orchestra of Bonn-Roettgen, Sinfonietta104 Koeln
performed under his conductorship between 2011 and 2013 and again in 2014. Several concerts and projects were implemented together with the musical college orchestras in Cologne and Stuttgart, the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker, the Bergischen Symphonikern, the Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, the Philharmonie Suedwestfalen and the Kurpfaelzische Kammerorchester, where he is a regular guest conductor. Concert tours to several European Countries and to Australia are part of his artistic career. In 2017 he was appointed as lecturer in orchestra conducting at the College of Music in Freiburg. Since 2018 he has been the conductor of the Mannheim Stamitz Orchestra. Jan-Paul Reinke is cofounder and musical director of CoGNiMUS Collektiv e.V. in Cologne. Since 2016, he has been conductor of the Mannheim Youth Orchestra JugendSinfonieOrchesters Mannheim (JSOM) at Musikschule Mannheim (Best Youth Orchestra of Germay).

10 x 1st violin
8 x 2nd violin
6 x viola
6 x cello
3 x double bass

2 x flutes
2 x oboes
2 x clarinets
2 x bassoon

4 x horns
2 x trumpets

1 x timpani

You can find the sheet music for each individual instrument here under the application form.

Every candidate has to upload a video including a self-chosen piece and the orchestral excerpts which shows the current instrumental level and an authentic impression of a young musician.

The video should be based on following rules and include following parts:

  1. A short self introduction wich shows your motivation to get member of EYOA 2025
  2. Firstly, an audition of the given part (see point 4) and secondly, a piece of your own choice (eg. a movement from a concerto, sonata, suite) from the classical period/classical style! (If the movement is too long, you can stop at the reprise.)
  3. It is not necessary to play with piano accompaniment.
  4. You have to play the complete selection of orchestral excerpts for your instrument which you find in the attachment individually for every instrument.
  5. The piece and the excerpts have to be played each in one run. Cuttings in-between the pieces/extracts or sound-editing are not permitted. You may record the parts individually, but have to put them in one video together.
  6. The duration of the video should not be shorter than 10 min. and not exceed 15 min.
  7. The video will only be accepted in YOUTUBE format!

Specific advices:

You may apply for violin in general. We expect that you express your preference, if you want to apply for 1st or 2nd violin. The jury has the right to refuse your preference if there is a need, based on the evaluation of your application-video.

For the position of Concertmaster/Section-leaders we are searching for a persons who commands respect, and showing a generous but natural authority to lead a group, based on high level instrumental skills. If you are interested, you may note this on the application form.

We ask you to play the selection of orchestral-excerpts and one or two self-chosen Timpani-Etudes.

See the notes for each instrument in the attachment.

The academy welcomes applications from disabled young musicians who satisfy the usual criteria for application to audition.

The Academy does not charge a participation fee. All music teaching and tutor costs, and accommodation (Double Room ***Star hotel), food costs und Sightseeing Tours are payed by the Academy!

A travel allowance of up to €150 can be given on application.
For environmental reasons we recommend that you travel either by train or bus. The Travel allowance for Train or Bus is up to € 65.-

You are still responsible for insuring your instrument, separately incurred incidental expenses and international health insurance.
You have to prove that you have international insurance before you start your trip.

In addition to the registration form, the consent form for the taking of photos, videos and television recordings must be completed.

Candidates who are younger than 16 years of age, shall require an express consent of the parents.

Invited participants are asked to contact their local Rotary Club and introduce themselves at a meeting. The contact details of the local club will be provided in a separate mail.

Questions & answers

If you have any questions about these rules & regulations then please contact
Michel Maugé, Chairman und President
Email: eyoa@kultur-at-home.de
Phone: +49 151 189 09 288

Application to EYOA 2025

Please fill in all fields with*


Last Name*

First Name*

Date of Birth*

Date of Birth*

Date of Birth*



Personal Adress – Street and Number*

Zip Code*


Country of residence*

Mobile Phone*

WhatsAPP Member*

Email address*

Personal restrictions or special features*

Food requests*

T-Shirt Size Girls*

T-Shirt Size Boys*


Wheelchair user

Your Instrument*

For Strings only!
I would like to play ...
(The jury decides on the respective ranking)

Tell us something about yourself and your motivation to participate in the European Youth Orchestra Academy 2025 and what you hope to achieve.*


Name of current Teacher*

Email of your current Teacher

Name of current College*

Email of the Leader of your School

URL of your Application Video*


First and Last Name Guardian*

Street and Number*

Zip Code*



Mobile Phone of Guardian*

Email adress of Guardian*


I have read the Data Protection Information for EYOA 2025 and agree.*

Consent to photo, video and TV recording*

Impressions of the last final concerts

EYOA 2024 Beethovens 9th

Beethovens 9th


EYOA Making off 2023

Making off EYOA

EYOA Final Concert 2022

EYOA Liverecord

EYOA Final Concert digital 2021

EYOA goes digital

EYOA Abschlusskonzert 2019

EYOA Final concert

Partners & Sponsors